- calendar_todayThursday Dec. 10, 2020
- buildYAD NL
Man man man... de podcast!
If you are into the (Dutch) podcast-scene, you probably have heard of them: Man man man.. the podcast, about 3 men who talk about how manly they are in all kinds of circumstances. Bas, Chris and Domien already recorded 5 seasons of podcast episodes and we are curious to learn how manly they are when it comes to: doing groceries.
During this live recording of a podcast episode we'll learn if they politely let you go first in line if you only have 1 thing to check-out whilst they have a full shopping cart. Whether they can resist the Bonus and whether they are shopping with a list?
When: 10th of December, 14:30 till 15:30
Note: if you register we also assume you will be present! If you can't make it please let us know at young@ah.nl