event info
  • calendar_todaySunday Sept. 18, 2022
  • buildYAD NL

YAD x Dam tot Dam loop

After two years of absence, on September 18th the Dam-tot-Dam loop is finally happening again! As always this is a running contest that is very popular among Ahold Delhaize colleagues and therefore also sponsored by Ahold Delhaize. Until September 5th it is possible to register for free for this running contest that goes from Amsterdam to Zaandam: https://atleta.cc/e/nhIVTqWd3XyI

Do you want to join and run together, but have not been able to find any colleagues that want to join you? Or are you already planning to join but in need of some extra fun? Then register now! 

YAD will host a meeting point near Amsterdam Central Station where we can meet up before the race and go towards the starting point together. Besides we will make sure that we will celebrate making it to the finish! Through this event you also directly know who else is going to compete and hence ask all your running-related questions :-)

What: YAD x Dam tot Damloop
Where: Amsterdam Central Station / Zaandam
When: Sunday September 18
